Your guided winter reset for body, mind and planet.

Hi, I'm Moira!

I'm a vegan chef, entrepreneur and long-time advocate of a plant-based diet. I opened Banff, Alberta's first vegetarian restaurant in 1994. I've been feeding people in many ways since. In 2012 I opened Feel Good Guru, an organic raw vegan takeout on Queen St West in Toronto which evolved into a large-scale plant-powered corporate catering company.

There's nothing I love more than being able to help people reach their wellness goals, whether it be to lose a few pounds, gain more energy, kick the sugar habit or learn how to live a healthy plant-based lifestyle.

I look forward to guiding you on your journey in our seasonal "Feel Good Fast" reset or in your customized private coaching program.

Each time I do "Feel Good Fast" myself I am reminded how food is medicine, how what we eat really does transform our bodies, our minds, our energy and the planet.

Feel Good Fast

No matter what our current lifestyle, we all can benefit from a SEASONAL RESET in our diet.

Most of us strive to eat healthier yet we often give up after a day or two because the pull of junk food is a force!

Success with any change comes from committing, having a plan, and getting support.

Feel Good Fast will help you feel more in control of your well-being with weekly plant-powered menu plans, simple, delicious nutrient-dense recipes and a personal guide to keep you motivated and inspired.

What to expect from Feel Good Fast:
  • You will learn to take control of your diet.
  • You will learn to make healthy plant-based foods at home.
  • You will get an incredible resource of easy plant-based recipes
  • You will gain valuable experience in your kitchen that will set you up for a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
What are the requirements?
  • You will need to block off three weeks in your calendar where you have limited social engagements and restaurant/bar outings.
  • No kitchen experience is required.
  • No special tools beyond a good vegetable knife and a good blender are required.
Who is Feel Good Fast for?
  • Anyone who wants to commit to eating healthier at home.
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about whole food plant-based diets.
  • Anyone looking to clean up their diet in a short period of time.
  • Anyone looking for a seasonal reset.

Feel Good Fast!


Louise P

Just finished my 21-day Feel Good Fast - thank you Feel Good Guru for kickstarting my wellness at the beginning of the year!

I urge anyone contemplating a lifestyle change to check out this wonderful program. I've got increased energy, clarity & an overall feeling of lightness. I was never hungry! Each day was a delightful new culinary adventure for me as I'm not a vegan & surprisingly I did not crave any other foods.  It's a fantastic investment in overall wellness. Thank you to Moira & the team at Feel Good Guru for providing me with the best gift!

Sandy E

Hi Moira, I wanted to let you know that already on day 13 I'm feeling incredible! Had to power through first few days but so glad I did. I've lost an inch around my waist and my morning energy has returned. I had been finding it difficult to get out of bed in the mornings and brain foggy all day. Feeling clear-headed and ready to take on week 3! I'm not craving junk food and sugary snacks anymore and recognize the energy and life force of clean unprocessed foods. This is going to be a game changer for me on the go-forward. Thank you for your guidance!

Chiyoko T

Allan and I have been doing Feel Good Fast every season for a couple of years now and we can't believe how good we feel. His diabetes numbers get better each time and his doctor is impressed that the only changes he's made is his diet. We've both lost weight. The recipes change with the seasons and provide enough variety that we never get bored.

It's become a new habit we've implemented into our year with each season and we both look forward to it - especially the end when we feel amazing and that sense of accomplishing something really good for yourself:)

Feel Good Fast Curriculum

  Welcome to Feel Good Fast, Winter Edition!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Food For Thought
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Before We Begin
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Preparing Your Pantry
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Let's Get Started!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need any cooking experience or special kitchen tools to participate?

  • No special skills are needed except being able to use a vegetable knife and a blender.

Do I have to go off coffee and alcohol for the entire 21 days?

  • This is all about resetting new healthy habits. There are no rules but you'll be surprised how good you feel after a few weeks removing some of our usual suspects like sugar, coffee, alcohol, wheat, meat, dairy and highly processed foods.

What if I have company coming or a planned weekend away where I can't prepare my own food?

  • For optimal success try and find three weeks in your calendar when you will be able to commit to being close to home. Definitely do Feel Good Fast before or after the holidays for example.

Can I substitute mock meat in some of the recipes?

  • These meat alternatives are usually highly processed and high in salt and preservatives. The point of Feel Good Fast is to get away from processed foods entirely for 3 weeks.

Will I lose weight?

  • Feel Good Fast is intended to be a healthy reset and a sustainable way forward with your diet. Weight loss is not the sole intention and each body is different, though most people will find their clothes fitting looser if they are able to commit to the full three weeks and follow the guidelines.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

  • If you are not happy with this program I will provide you a full refund within 30 days of registering.